Category: Tech

4 Freelance Trends For 2023 in the IT Sector
As we bid adieu to the pandemic in 2022, hoping for a “normal” new year, the war in Ukraine arrived along with inflation, and a scenario of uncertainty for the whole world ...
4 Essential Technologies in a Coworking Space
The world has advanced to the point where we humans cannot live without technology. It’s hard to think of any arena of life or daily activity today in which technology isn’t ...
Is Neurotechnology Our Ticket To The Future?
In an episode of the sci-fi series Black Mirror, Sara becomes one of the first children to participate in a trial of Arkangel – a child monitoring system installed through a ...
The Difference Between Downloading & Streaming Digital Media
Words such as compression and encoding are thrown around a lot in the digital media industry, but when it comes to understanding the differences between streaming and downloading, ...
How iPhone 12 is better than iPhone 11
iPhone is one of the most popular and ranked phones around the globe. iPhone fans go crazy when they get to know about the new iPhone launch. Apple is making iPhones, even better ...
Understanding the Differences Between DLT and Blockchain Technology
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and blockchain technology are designed to serve many of the same functions. It may be difficult for those who don’t work closely with one or ...
Cryptocurrency Marketing: Why Branding Your Crypto Is the Next Big Thing in Advertising
Digital currencies are the new hype. To be more particular, the world is investing in Cryptocurrency, as they have successfully entered the public conversation and continue to ...
Understanding How Bitcoin Works and What You Can Do With It
The concept of digital currency is nothing new. Ideas about how to utilize this idea have been around for more than two decades. While some approaches have come and gone, Bitcoin ...
3 Simple Digital Advertising Tricks That Gets You Results
Digital advertising is a core digital marketing activity in social media or search engines that often includes ad copy and creativity. The good news is, it’s a type of ...
The Future of ClimateTech: An Interview with Tristan Pollock
What is ClimateTech? ClimateTech is the renewal of the CleanTech movement that started with renewable energy (solar, wind, water) about a decade ago. At the time “clean ...
How to Make YouTube Video: 5 Tips for Beginners
Are you thinking of making YouTube videos? You might want to start a channel right away. There’s no reason whatsoever to make any unnecessary delay. Are you new to this and in ...
Top 5 IQ option Trading Strategies
IQ Option is a broker that provides binary and digital options along with investing in stock, commodities, indices, crypto and so forth. There are numerous traders who are using ...