Samsung Galaxy S6 Overheating? Read the Solutions

Samsung Galaxy S6 Overheating problem – How to overcome it?
Samsung is one of the finest Smartphone brands that have taken the entire Smartphone industry by a storm! With the inception of its latest Galaxy S6 Edge and Galaxy S6, Samsung has acquired a firm position in the mobile world. The phone comprises of many fonts, an efficient hardware, high performance software and few critical bugs. These bugs have annoyed enthusiastic users, who lived and yearned to get their hands on the brand new mobile phone. If you are planning to buy the new phone, you must be aware of the Samsung Galaxy s6 overheating problem. After all, this is one of the most common complaints filed by Galaxy S6 users.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Overheating? Find an ideal Solution!
As you keep the phone on for a very long time or use it continuously without a gap; Galaxy S6 will become extremely hot. Overheating is caused due to many reasons. Before you find a sturdy solution to the Samsung Galaxy S6 overheating problem, you must identify its root cause. According to experts, there are plenty of potential solutions to the common, fatal problem.
Just like conventional phones and Smartphones, Samsung Galaxy S6 becomes warm when it is used for a long time. The same problem can be found on various smartphones, and we wrote about it in our LG G3 overheating, LG G4 Overheating and iPhone 6 overheating problems. If you play high performance games with lots of 3D graphics and audio features, the smartphone is likely to become warm. Thus, if you are ought to play games in the Galaxy S6, you should take a short break and let the phone cool down. It is never wise to play games in a phone that becomes extremely warm.
So, will you take the overheated phone to a mobile repair service provider? Or, are you planning to sell it to someone else? Or, do you wish to find a permanent solution against the Samsung Galaxy S6 overheating problems? This article is meant for those, who wish to fix their phones themselves!
Fighting Against in-built and 3rd Party Apps
You will be astounded to hear that Samsung Galaxy S6 becomes predominantly hot when you run third party applications and in-built apps too! This is an unfortunate scenario found in very few Samsung phones. If the overheating issue is caused due to third party/ in-built applications, you must engage in the following steps:
Initially, you must turn off your Samsung Galaxy S6.
Press and hold your phone’s power or lock button simultaneously. You should hold the power button, till the Samsung Galaxy S6 logo appears. This may take between five to fifteen seconds.
Now, you should bring down the volume and release the power or lock button. The phone’s volume should be predominately low.
Try to keep the phone’s volume as low as possible, until the Samsung handset restarts. Once again, this will take at least ten seconds.
If the Samsung Galaxy S6 phone restarts successfully, it will be in its Safe Mode. Conversely, you will see a “Safe Mode” symbol in the phone’s bottom left corner.
Now, you can release the volume button.
Conversely, tap on the lock or power key.
Once you complete step 7, you should choose to restart your Samsung Galaxy S6!
If the Samsung Galaxy S6 overheating problem vanishes away, you can assume that it was caused due to the in-built application.
Wipe the Entire Cache
In some cases, the Samsung Galaxy s6 overheating problem is caused due to its cache. This is when you should wipe the phone’s cache memory completely. Luckily, the process of wiping Galaxy S6’s cache is easy done than said. Here is a comprehensive insight on how to wipe the cache partition safely.
First of all, you must turn off your Samsung Galaxy S6.
Once again, press and hold the volume up, home button and power button together. Don’t release these three buttons until you complete step (5).
You should wait till the Samsung Galaxy S6 logo appears. Conversely, a blue recovery text will appear in the top.
You can scroll through the recovery menu, using the volume up/down keys.
Sooner, you will see a “Wipe Cache Partition” option. Select this option and restart your phone using the power button.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 needs at least 5 to 15 seconds to reboot. Once the phone restarts and displays its menu, you can assume that the cache was wiped completely.
Finally, complete the process by rebooting your phone once again.
Nevertheless, fear not! Wiping the cache partition will not delete your personal details, photos or contacts. The Wipe Cache partition function deletes only the phone’s temporary file system. This will not comprise of any personal details like contacts, videos or pictures. If you are afraid to wipe the cache partition, you must acquire professional assistance.
There are several ways by which you can restore your phone’s factory settings to solve the Samsung Galaxy S6 overheating problem. The hard-way involves resetting of the internal settings. For this, you should tap on the phone’s menu. Browse to “Settings” and select “User & Backup”. Here, you must select “Wipe Data Factory Reset”. Consequently, you will be prompted to accept a series of agreements. Select the right option and proceed forward. In fact, you can decide if you wish to wipe the SD card or not! Now, wait till data is erased completely and automatically from your phone. This will hard reset your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and convert it into a brand new phone.
In case none of these techniques work properly, you should reset your phone’s internal settings completely. This will erase all your personal data (photos, contacts and videos). Hence, remember to take a backup of all important details, before you reset the phone. Here is a quick overview on how to do a factory reset:
Turn off your phone. Browse to the recovery menu and select “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” option.
Hit “Yes – Delete all User Data”.
Now, press the power button and wait for the phone to restart.