Category: Internet
Rise of eCommerce With BigCommerce in 2021

Rise of eCommerce With BigCommerce in 2021

Recent affairs about the growth of BigCommerce as a go-to-platform for merchants have been classified to be one of the potential starting edges for e-commerce amateurs. Whatever ...

What is Rainbow Currency? Discover the new trading symbol YEM

What is Rainbow Currency? Discover the new trading symbol YEM

We are in an information-technology revolution where blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are revamping the entire monetary system as we know it.  This change is inevitable ...

Benefits of Online Learning for Adult Learners

Benefits of Online Learning for Adult Learners

Thinking of taking an online course? Many adult learners are taking time to learn online during the lockdown, joining younger students in building their skillset. Indeed, now is a ...

How to Promote a Brand New Ecommerce Site on a Budget

How to Promote a Brand New Ecommerce Site on a Budget

With demand for online shopping increasing exponentially within the last year, many Entrepreneurs are re-focussing their efforts on ecommerce. If your business plans include ...

5 Signs that your Computer has been infected by a Virus

5 Signs that your Computer has been infected by a Virus

Computer viruses and other types of malware are the bane of our existence in the internet age. Hardly a week passes without a story in the news about attacks in one place or the ...

Why Hackers Want to Get Into Your Email Account

Why Hackers Want to Get Into Your Email Account

Most people don’t worry much about getting hacked. It’s one of those things that happen to other people, right? It’s easy to dismiss the risk and assure yourself that there’s no ...

Marketing Digitalization Trends: Increase Efficiency of Your Enterprise

Marketing Digitalization Trends: Increase Efficiency of Your Enterprise

Marketing automation is gaining momentum in the advertisement world. This concept is replaced by the term “sales funnel.” Marketing automation is a process that allows ...

When Security is Hidden in Plain Sight

When Security is Hidden in Plain Sight

Escaping the Complexity Trap Securing your database is like securing an apartment. If you choose something that is too complex to set up, configure, and maintain, it might be like ...

4 Tips to Avoid Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

4 Tips to Avoid Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

To best describe the constant battle between cybercrime and cybersecurity, one could use the phrase ‘chaos vs order.’ The bad guys are out to sow chaos and ...

7 Ways Surveys Will Get Your Business to Grow

7 Ways Surveys Will Get Your Business to Grow

Could your business be growing any faster? Is your marketing optimized? Are your customers truly happy? There’s only one-way to find out – feedback surveys. In the competitive ...

Why and how to use two-factor authentication?

Why and how to use two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication is a double verification of your identity when you log in to a service or a site. But why should you use it? Almost everyone knows or at least heard ...

Evolving web technology in business

Evolving web technology in business

Introduction In recent years web application technology surged. The business received incomparable possibilities to present their ideas to users, and developers gained new ...