4 Tips to Avoid Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

To best describe the constant battle between cybercrime and cybersecurity, one could use the phrase ‘chaos vs order.’ The bad guys are out to sow chaos and destruction, mostly for personal gain. In contrast, the good guys get to patch things up, usually at a considerable expense.
On a less philosophical note, though, cybercrime is real and poses a severe threat. Hackers often gain entry to even top security networks. This may be why most people think that these criminals are either lucky or have an array of tricks and techniques up their sleeves. Unfortunately, the truth is much simpler than that.
These criminals often take advantage of every day, easy to avoid vulnerabilities and mistakes. These errors come into play when people implement specific processes in the wrong way. According to the professionals at Emagined, cybersecurity is continuously evolving, and incidents that require change often occur. When they do, it’s crucial to get outside help.
Having regular penetration tests performed by a specialist reduces your chances of risk. Also, putting a system in place to help identify problem areas is vital to your network’s security. So, let’s explore some of the possibilities.
Ensure to Encrypt All Your Sensitive Data
One should never leave dealing with information, especially if it’s sensitive, to chance. Using a robust algorithm, such as AES 256, to encrypt your data is no longer optional. Personal info, such as your customers’ identification and user passwords, can be used to cause tremendous damage. Not just to you and your business, but to your clients as well.
Furthermore, if you’re operating an e-commerce business with a member-based site, it’s crucial to secure your network with a TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate. This’ll ensure that data sent over the internet is encrypted, keeping it safe from prying eyes.
Use Complex Passwords
More often than not, these criminals gain access to networks because of weak watchwords. Although it may, at times, be inconvenient, using strong, complex passwords are crucial in protecting your system.
Even though those with legal access to your matrix may not like it, enforcing requirements is essential. Insisting that users use specific criteria won’t only protect the network but their personal data as well. Passwords should:
- Have at least eight characters
- Include an uppercase letter, number, and unique character
- Not contain personal information
To further strengthen your security, you should consider using software such as SHA. This’ll ensure that passwords are stored as encrypted values. By using this method, you’ll be able to authenticate users by only comparing encrypted characters.
Run Scheduled Vulnerability Scans
Regular scans to find and fix medium and high vulnerabilities on your network is crucial. By doing this at least once a month, you’ll keep solving the problems manageable. This is because patches are often missed, and new areas of susceptibility often pop up. Also, changes are consistently made to your system.
With cyber threats on the rise, you can’t afford to take a chance.
Restrict Local Administrator Privileges
Software is identified as malicious software, aka malware, based on its intended use. The term includes viruses, trojans, worms, and other programs used by criminals to wreak havoc and access sensitive data.
These programs are designed to operate in the security context of the logged-on user. Meaning that should the end-user have administrator permissions on your network, it’ll be automatically carried over to any malware that might infect your system.
It’s impossible to avoid applications that need special authorization. However, consider using the “Run As” command or “Compatibility Mode” as an alternative to giving out access privileges.
The Bottom Line
Becoming the victim of cybercrime isn’t something to be taken lightly. Be aware of the changes in technology and keep your security software up to date. These are the first steps toward preventing cyber attacks.
Ultimately, the ideas discussed in this article may not be enough. However, it’ll form a solid base from which you can build an effective campaign to flaunt the efforts of cybercriminals.