Category: Top News

Sistemi di e-voting! Problemi di identificazione sicura, ma non solo…
While western society is facing economic and identity issues, technology is entering new spheres of society, like politics. The last crisis in Italy is an example: but how safe ...
Sicurezza informatica aziendale: non solo protegge il business ma lo fa anche crescere.
Cybersecurity and privacy laws: it’s not only protection, it is also business. Thanks to Laus Informatica we discovered that business increased due to the new privacy laws in ...
Cosa sono le PWA (Progressive Web Apps) e come installarle con Chrome
Have you ever heard about Progressive Web Apps? Nerd per caso team explained how these apps work for Chrome and how can you install them. La tecnologia va sempre avanti, e così ...
Assistenti Vocali: uno sguardo al domani
This article will bring you in the world of Voice Assistants, with a look on the latest news and products and what will be their future. Gli assistenti vocali sono parte della ...
Piccole start up crescono
This article discusses the rapid expansion of Italian start ups and describes the role played by institutions such as universities and incubators towards their development. Our ...