Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z

Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z comparison for an easier buy
So far modern LED monitor is concerned, which is ideal for high quality gaming, there is no comparison of Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z. These are the two handy and smart monitors available in the market having great features. ASUS VG248QE’s main and attractive features are it is one of the best HD video quality monitors having both 2D and 3D visuals. The amazing HD backlit with 1920 x 1080 quality visuals and 144 Hz. Graphics make each image more prominent.
On the other hand the blur reduction, Benq xl2420z with extra clarity, especially designed for gamers with optimal refresh rate of 100 Hz to 144 Hz makes each and every image and video as razor sharp. The best monitor is one which produces more real time response and gives a lively and more specific and individual color to each and every object that appears on the screen. Keeping that in mind both Asus and Benq have developed a smart technology to generate immediate response well synchronized with the computer system and also able to make each of the objects brighter and color specific.
Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z Specifications:
Perfectly cooped up with modern gaming technology, the ASUS VG248QE gives the mind-blowing gaming experience and provides comfort to your eyes. This particular model of ASUS has the wide display screen 61 cm (16:9) with color saturation level of 72%. The monitor is having an HD color resolution of 1920 x 1080 with pixel pitch 0.2768mm. The smart contrast ratio of ASUS VG248QE is 80,000,000:1. Whereas the Benq xl2420z model has the same HD color resolution of 1920 x 1080 and aspect ratio of 16:9 with pixel pitch 0.276 and contrast level of 1000:1.
The ASUS VG248QE is having the hot key on the monitor where you can control brightness, power, input and other gaming control systems. Several signal inputs are also inbuilt with the monitor such as PC audio input, AV audio input, earphone jack. The dimension of ASUS VG248QE is 569.4 x 499.9x231mm, whereas the dimension of Benq xl2420z is 516 x 571 x 149 mm. When it comes to the weight factor ASUS VG248QE is 5.5 kg. And the weight of Benq xl2420z is 6.1 Kg. Both the monitors have Back Light Unit with LED quality. When it comes to brightness, specification both of the model are having brightness type 350cd/m^2. The LCD size of both ASUS VG248QE and Benq xl2420z have the same dimension of full HD screen of 24 inches.
Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z gaming experience
Both of these advanced monitors manufactured by ASUS and Benq are specially featured to give a different gaming experience to the gamer. You can easily differentiate the quality of graphics and sound between Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z that you can experience while playing your favorite game on Benq xl2420z and ASUS VG248QE. The smartest response time of an ASUS VG248QE monitor which is less than 1 ms with 144 Hz response rate make the game more realistic for the gamers. For playing a better and eye-comfortable game this special monitor is having an ergonomic tilt, swivel pivot, and height adjustment which makes more compatible and personalized visual system. At the same time Asus has also exactly made each of the features of the BenQ xl2420z perfectly to provide a mind-blowing gaming paradise.
The BenQ xl2420z model has more blur reduction technology with eye healthy precaution measures so that you can play games for hours without any effect on your eyes. The xl2420z model has Flicker-free technology which gives you a better 3D experience while playing your favorite games. The extra smart refresh rate optimization system of Benq xl2420z gives a smart adjustment synchronized your game requirement and produce the best and crystal clear clarity in the game. Again, when it comes to ASUS VG248QE it has the 80,000,000:1 contrast ratio, which enhances each and every smallest object on the screen and made it clear and so lively to the players.
When it comes to a PC made for professional gaming, it must have the most advanced and gaming specialized monitors. Both the model of ASUS and Benq have the extra features which are totally concerned with specific areas of gaming technology in terms to make it more realistic and gives a perfect pleasure to the professional gamers. Features like aspect ratios, contrast, brightness, motion control, synchronizing etc are the key point where a game looks more suitable in a particular monitor which has 3D effects and generates LED quality display and both these models are having their specific technology involved to generate better video quality. However, overall Benq scores better when considered from a gamer’s viewpoint.
Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z Display variation:
When it comes to a HD and crystal clear display quality between Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z, the ASUS VG248QE monitor is the best as it has a brighter contrast ratio of 80,000,000:1 which matches the 3D criteria of every high definition games. So far as the display dimension is concerned, both the monitors have almost same dimension and provides a sharp and crystal clear picture quality. Especially the Benq xl2420z model has on-screen display navigation system which allows the user to start all adjustments of display on a single screen and also gives the access to load the gaming mode display setting and also gamers will be able to download the perfect gaming setting and install it on their computer. In this Benq model you can customize your view preference and start your game with all flexible adjustments. In ASUS VG248QE you can experience the 144 Hz function and also select the graphics card setting.
Asus VG248QE vs BenQ XL2420Z Sound
Both of the monitor models have inbuilt sound output port where you can connect your earphone and experience a super quality sound effect while playing your favorite game. The ASUS VG248QE has the best user review in the market so far better sound quality is concerned. Mind-blowing full HD sound with extra effect of base makes your world filled with game theme songs once you connect your headphone to the universal headphone jack. In Benq xl2420z you can find the headphone port inbuilt in the monitor which gives a different sound quality while playing your best game.