Golden Rules for Using Hashtags

The use of Hashtag, which started with Twitter about 13 years ago, is now used in almost all social media platforms. Today, there are certain rules to be considered in the use of hashtags in order to get the best interaction on social media.
No one could have guessed what an impressive role the hashtag symbol would play in uniting internet users. The hashtag, which was first used on Twitter 13 years ago, allows users to be aware of what is happening in the world and discover what is on the agenda. And an average of 150 million hashtags is shared every day.
The hashtag has turned into a tool that enables brands to fulfill their marketing objectives and convey their messages to a wide audience, however, it has allowed their individual accounts to access more interaction and return to influencer accounts.
Here we have shown 4 tips for effective popular hashtag use for both brands and individual accounts:
How many letters does an ideal hashtag consist of? Answer: Around 7. Last year, the most popular 500 hashtags shared in Australia consisted of an average of 7 characters. You can see the intensity of such trend hashtag usage through hashtag generator applications such as hashtag inspector.
The basic rule of the business is to convey the message without ado. Remember that a clear hashtag will be more preferred. A catchy one-word slogan or an acronym that immediately reminds you or your brand will spread much faster on the agenda. Short-named brands can fit their own names into hashtags, like #NABMiniLegends. But don’t expect your brand slogan to be successful as a hashtag. If it is not possible to fit your message into one word, try to keep the hashtag in 3 words at most. Hashtags with more than 3 words are more difficult to remember.
Should hashtags consist of lowercase or uppercase letters? If the hashtag contains multiple words or is a partial acronym, capitalization is important for other users to understand what your tweet contains. There is nothing worse than losing the meaning of a hashtag and removing another message from its content. You can use capital letters to prevent this.
Other than that, never just use capital letters because your target audience may think they’re being yelled at.
We’ve all witnessed social media users using #hashtag #for #every #word. But posts with too many hashtags dilute the effect of the message you want to reflect. The best practice is to use only one or up to three hashtags as needed. It is also a very important factor that the hashtags you use are related to the message you want to convey.
For example, if your brand gets involved in a big action or event, then it’s a good idea to use relevant hashtags. Make sure they are related to your brand and that you are authorized to use those hashtags. If your customers think that you are just seeking attention on social media, their trust in you may decrease.
In addition, hashtag generator applications such as the hashtag inspector application provide you with dozens of popular and trendy hashtag options on a subject and allow you to use as many as you want (usually limited to 30). In some cases, you can also use these features of hashtag generators.
If your corporate campaign or personal post isn’t a mysterious treasure hunt, always explain to your followers what the hashtag you use and encourage them to use it as well. Your audience will be more interested in a mutually beneficial relationship, whether it’s a gift you give or a simple retweet when they use the hashtag.
The best way to do this is to look at which domain hashtags shared the most. For this, the most basic tools you will use will be hashtag generator applications such as hashtag inspector.