2014 Fastest Wireless Router

2014 Fastest Wireless Router
Up to 1.73 Gbps speed on the 5GHz frequency band. That’s what Asus promises with ASUS RT-AC87.
Do you have too many devices connected to your router at the same time and can not handle it? Or do you want to watch HD online movies or play live streaming online games at the highest speed? Soon this problems will disappear. Asus announced that it will release the fastest router in the world. We present you ASUS RT-AC87, 2014 Fastest Wireless Router
Built with four last generation and award winning antennas from Quantenna, this router will have world’s first Wave 2 features that can beam out 5GHz signals with up to 1.73 Gbps Speeds.
One of the best and most unique features is that it provides AiProtection. In this way you can protect your entire home or office network from potential viruses, malware and other intruders and stop it before reaching devices connected to your router.
Want more? Like previous versions from Asus, ASUS RT-AC87 can be turned into a personal server, using files stored on an attached USB storage device.. That’s cool, isn’t it?
Fast installation. 2014 Fastest Wireless Router ASUS RT-AC87 has pre-installed ASUSWRT which give you access the “30-second” installation process, or other options of the router. Unlike other routers that require a software download or other restrictions, with ASUS RT-AC87 there are no more, and you can access anything on any device connected to the router. It’s really that simple!
ASUS RT-AC87 will be soon available on the market in North America for about $270.
Until then you can buy the best router existing on the market, ASUS RT-AC66U from Amazon.com at $149.99: